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Úsalas como gustes, para eso están, mi idea es que aprendas de mis errores para que tu no los cometas y así facilitar tu camino por esté hermoso mundo del marketing digital y el emprendimiento.


Optimizing your imports from the United States

Optimizing your imports from the United States

Streamlining Your Ecommerce Imports from the United States MeloImporta streamlines the importation process for products purchased from US e-commerce platforms. By capitalizing on existing infrastructure and offering cost-effective solutions, clients can enjoy reduced...

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Building Sales Force through Outsourcing

Building Sales Force through Outsourcing

Building Sales Force through BPO and its Outsourcing Strategy for Remote Sales Teams The project entails implementing lead generation and personnel recruitment strategies for a sales outsourcing company, Avec Staffing BPO. From content creation to advertising on...

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Building confidence in the market

Building confidence in the market

Building Trust and Credibility in the Office Furniture Industry We implemented a content strategy for an office furniture company in Cali, focusing on clear and reliable messages to strengthen the brand in the B2B market and compete with more established companies....

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We are here to teach

We are here to teach

Learn, Practice, and Succeed: Ichimoku Fibonacci's Journey to Empowering Traders Across LATAM We helped Ichimoku Fibonacci, an Argentine SaaS company offering trading courses and a simulation platform, expand into LATAM.  WHAT I DID Content MKTSEOThe companyLet's go...

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A new way of doing things

A new way of doing things

A cosmetic and grooming brand, a new way of doing things, from direct sales to the digital world. Explore the fascinating transformation of a grooming and cosmetics brand from traditional direct selling to a vibrant digital world. Discover how they challenged industry...

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A journey of flavors

A journey of flavors

A branding strategy made from the field to your mouth, promoting new flavors to the French public. Identity development plan and brand strategy for a Belgian fry shop with Latin American flavors. WHAT I DID BrandingMarket ResearchUser ResearchProject ManagementLocal...

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